Frequently asked questions
Learn more about our services such as web development and design, search engine optimization, website management, hosting, domains, and more. Click each topic for details. If you have a suggestion for other answers needed here, please reach out!
What do I need to give the developer to get my website started?
To get started, your developer will need a PNG file of your logo, preferably high resolution, at least 1200 pixels wide, and the logo should have no background color. Additionally, we will need the hex color codes of all of your brand colors that you want included in the website. We will need a list of all font styles that your brand uses, with the most important listed first. Please also include 3 to 4 large pictures for your header (big image that usually rests at the top of the homepage). These photos can be PNG or JPG file types, preferably high resolution, at least 1800 pixels wide.
What size and file type will my developer need of my logo?
Your developer will need a PNG file of your logo, preferably high resolution, at least 1200 pixels wide, and the logo should have no background color.
What does content mean?
Content means all text and pictures that will be used on the website. Standard web development does not include content supplied by MN Website, and is the responsibility of the client. Once we receive your initial batch of content, we will send you an example link that will clearly outline areas where content is still needed.

What is your usual lead time?
Our usual lead time ranges from 2 weeks (soonest) to 1 month (longest.) There are exceptions to this based on the uniqueness and complexity of the project and we will let you know the lead time for your project on your formal estimate.
What is your pricing?
Pricing is similar to lead time because it depends on uniqueness of the project, difficulty, number of pages, number of customizations, development platform, etc. Please see pricing here for common prices.
Is it easy for me to make changes to my website on my own?
Almost all web development platforms offer content management systems that make it relatively easy to change pictures and text (content.) You will receive one our of complementary training at the completion of your website, where we can walk over some of these simple changes.
How easy is it to add additional pages to my website later (after launch?)
It’s usually quite simple for a developer to add a page to an existing website. It is not recommended for a client to build a page without training.
Can my customers pay for my services (service based business) on my website?
Yes, an ecommerce website is an ecommerce website. You can accept payments of any kind on a website that was built for ecommerce, including services, event signups, subscriptions, etc.
If Minnesota Website designs my new site, do I have to let them host it as well?
No. If you have existing hosting and you are happy with it, or if you’ve found a hosting offer you like better, we can transfer your freshly designed website to the hosting of your choice.